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Tell Your Story

Each of us has a story to tell.  And our stories are powerful!  Something about what you’ve experienced could directly help other young adults facing cancer.

The first conversation I had with another young adult cancer survivor was a meaningful moment for me.  I felt like I wasn’t alone, that there was someone else who understood what I was going through.  Shortly after that conversation, I read a blog post that resonated so deeply with me that I wanted to climb through my computer screen and give the author a hug.  These stories are powerful.  They have the ability to pull us out of isolation and draw us closer together.  The young adult cancer community needs these moments, these connections, and these voices.

Will you share YOUR story?

Submit your story in the form below so we can share it with our community!

Having trouble knowing what to write about?  Here are some questions that may help get you started:

  • What was one of the hardest things about having cancer and what helped you get through it?
  • Thinking back on your cancer experience, who or what are you most grateful for?
  • What advice would you give to someone who was just diagnosed with cancer?
  • How has Cactus Cancer Society (formerly Lacuna Loft) helped you?