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We need YOU!

There are several ways to become more involved with Cactus Cancer Society (formerly Lacuna Loft) and all the support and resources we provide to young adult cancer survivors and caregivers.

1. Write with the Young Adult Voices blog.
2. Create by leading one of our Creative Workshops. Share a craft or DIY activity that you enjoy, with 10-12 young adult cancer survivors.
3. Lead a book club discussion via video chat.
4. Outreach through social media on behalf of Cactus Cancer Society.
5. Fundraise! Host a game night, hold a raffle, participate in an athletic event and raise money for Cactus Cancer Society along the way.
6. Make your own volunteer adventure! Have a skill that you could offer Cactus Cancer Society? Let us know!

Please know that all of these options include help and guidance (if necessary) from Cactus Cancer Society. We will provide you with support, supplies, and anything else you might need. For more information on each of these options, please contact

Volunteer with Cactus Cancer Society today!