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7 Ways To Ring In The New Year!

Looking for ways to rock in the New Year?  2015 is just around the corner and we have some great ideas on how to celebrate!

As a young adult cancer patient, survivor, or caregiver OR a young adult dealing with a long term illness, late night parties and elaborate celebrations can often seem daunting.  Here are some tips and ideas on ways to ring in the new year!

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[list_item]start your party earlier.[/list_item]
You know those parties that start after 9 pm, making it hard to get yourself out the door at all?  Yea, me too.  I sometimes joke that I have a hard time leaving the house after 8.  Well, start your festivities earlier!  I find that once I’m out and about I have a great time…it’s just leaving the house so late that I have trouble with.  Starting your festivities earlier will give you a chance to leave your house while motivated and excited for the party to come!

[list_item]have a fun activity planned.[/list_item]
Hosting people while you’re not feeling well (or overly joyous) can be a difficult task.  But, what sorts of things do you like doing?  Do you really enjoy decorating cookies or ornaments?  Playing board games?  Watching movies?  Dancing around in your socks?  Then grab your friends and do that!

[list_item]head outside.[/list_item]
We know, we know!  It is cold outside!  (well…in many places around the country at least)  But, bundle up and get outside anyway!  You can head to a golf course and walk the 18 holes.  You could meander around the neighborhood, checking out everyone’s holiday lights.  Once you’re back inside, create some fun and warm holidays drinks!

[list_item]create your own cocktails.[/list_item]
Making your own cocktails is always a fun and cheerful activity.  Hot chocolate + peppermint schnapps or coffee liqueur, juice + your favorite spirit…the possibilities are endless.  While chemotherapy and other medications may make alcohol consumption on the list of things to avoid, you can always skip the booze and enjoy your own fruity concoction!  Add the whipped cream or umbrella to make it really festive!

[list_item]have a food comparison test.[/list_item]
While this is also an activity, it can be pretty involved in you want.  Assign a different food or drink to each guest.  Ask them to get an off brand and the name brand that everyone is used to.  Assign a moderator.  This person is responsible for knowing which drink or food is the off brand and which is the name brand while concealing this to your guests.  Have a night of eating and drinking while having everyone decide what they’re consuming!  The possibilities are limitless.  You could even branch out to wine and compare a 2$ bottle to a 10$ bottle!

[list_item]host a spa day.[/list_item]
Maybe an evening activity is just not down your alley!  That’s ok!  Think about having your festivities earlier in the day.  Meet some friends at a nail salon or at a spa and you can all indulge in some New Years relaxations during the waking hours.

[list_item]celebrate a different time zone’s New Years.[/list_item]
Have a french themed party and celebrate New Years when the clock strikes midnight in France.  You could pick another time zone within the US and celebrate their ball drop as well!


How are you celebrating the New Year this 2015?

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