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My Cancer Survivor Tattoo Is Finished!

cancer survivor tattoos

Who knew that googling cancer survivor tattoos resulted in so many tattoos!  Some of them are your pretty standard ribbon but some are fairly elaborate!

After just another hour and a half of work, my official, young adult cancer survivor tattoo is finished!  If you missed my first post after I had the first round of the tattoo done, you can read it here.  That post is a bit more serious and goes through the story, message, and thought process that went into the design of the tattoo.

Having the tattoo completely done is really exciting.  I actually paid, left the tattoo shop while waving goodbye to everyone, walked a block down the street, and then turned around and walked back into the shop to give the tattoo artist a hug 🙂  It felt so strange to have the tattoo finished after having spent about 6 hours hanging out with a really cool artist!

This part of my journey is a difficult one…my body is cancer free but I still am learning to deal with the stress and anxiety that cancer and life’s heartaches bring.  One thing I’ve learned through the process of creating Lacuna Loft?  I am not alone.  There are thousands of young adult survivors out there, trying to find their new paths or trying to cling to the old ones.  Cancer survivor tattoos help to document all of this…and more.


What do you think of cancer survivor tattoos?  Would you consider getting one yourself?  I’d love to know if you got a tattoo or some other symbolic object/thing that represented your journey?  We’d love to hear about it!

P.S.  And a big thank you to Matt Stines at No Regrets Tattoo!