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Book Club: Mom’s Marijuana, pages 41-59

young adult cancer book club

Welcome to the comments and discussion of the Young Adult Cancer Book Club!  We are reading Mom’s Marijuana by Dr. Dan Shapiro! Catch up on pages 1-20 and pages 20-40.

Let’s get started!

We are just starting so let’s get to it!

pages 41-59.

I felt connected to Shapiro when he started talking about a difference in choice of books. Who I was before treatment was not the same person after treatment. Shapiro has a talent of remembering childhood memories. It makes you feel closer to him! I also enjoyed the way he described Boston, I can actually picture where he is talking about. And what is a memoir without a little romance! Terry is a great addition into his story and shows the vulnerability of love too. Transitions are scary in general but cancer really puts another spin on it. I loved the last bit of these pages as his mother is kind of a wild card! 🙂

– Morgan N

Dan starts off by sharing his love for books and the huge pile of books that he has yet to start reading. He shares how so many of them he is no longer interested in. He wants to read stuff with more meaning. I really connected with this process. It took me back to that place during chemo and shortly after where my time and energy was limited. I longed to sit and share coffee or tea in a local coffee shop with a friend or family. Life had a different value all of a sudden. He continues on to share some heart felt memories of his dad singing and music. He shared how his family was celebrating his last radiation. He shared About how he hoped to feel free but it didn’t. I remember that same feeling of yes we are done. Then a new type of anxiety formed. He talks about falling in love with a new girl and his studies and how he wants to do a meaningful thesis. The thing I took to heart from this small section of the book is life of meaning. All of the sudden we think more about what we really want to be doing and not what we might actually be doing.

– Holli D

Join in next Monday for comments and discussion on the next 20 pages of the book!

Thanks for joining us for pages 41-59 of Mom’s Marijuana by Dr. Dan Shapiro!  Join in next Monday for the next 20 pages of the book!

If you’re just joining us, here are some logistics:

The chapters and sections of this book are organized differently than in a book we’ve read together before.  So instead of going chapter by chapter, we’ll go about 20 pages at a time each Monday. We’ll use one more Monday to talk about general feelings from the book and anything else you’d like to discuss.  Join in, in the comments every week!  At the end, we’ll have a book club discussion via video chat!  Also, there will probably be spoilers.  Read along with us!

How are you enjoying our young adult cancer book club?