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Flashback #29: Free, Printable Puzzles To Take Anywhere!

puzzles for chemo

To celebrate our 2-year anniversary of being a nonprofit, Lacuna Loft is bringing back our top 31 articles from our archives!  This is Flashback #29! Free, Printable Puzzles To Take Anywhere! was written by Mallory. These 31 articles are the best of the best and we’re very happy to share them with you again!  The countdown continues tomorrow!

Chemotherapy areas, as well as doctors offices and waiting rooms, are often tight spaces.  You bring everything with you in a bag and as soon as your name is called or it is time to go, whatever you have taken out of your bag needs to be quickly grabbed and put away.  Everyone seems to have a preference for what activities they like to bring with them to pass the time in the doctor’s office.  Books are a great thing to stash away for these occasions…you can pull out your current story and quickly reintegrate into your favorite foreign land or fantasy world.  Sometimes though, the environment you are in may make it difficult to concentrate on reading….I found it almost impossible to read while sitting in a chemo chair for 6-8 hours.  There were just too many people chatting or coming and going to concentrate.  When I discovered that I basically couldn’t read while going from appointment to appointment, I felt instantly annoyed…and bored!

That is when I found puzzles 🙂  Free printable puzzles are wonderfully inviting and fun when needing to go from a scan, to the doctor’s office, to the lab where they draw blood, and then over to the chemo area!  The more challenging logic puzzles I needed to save for a day when no one would interrupt me with questions once I had something complicated about the puzzle finally sorted in my mind, but the simpler logic puzzles and sudoku were always my favorite.  A digital version of scrabble was always fun to play with the person along with me for the appointment too.


Read the rest of the article here!