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Flashback #9: Sign Me Up For A Buzz Cut!

buzz cut after cancer

To celebrate our 2-year anniversary of being a nonprofit, Lacuna Loft is bringing back our top 31 articles from our archives!  The countdown to our top post is continuing today with Flashback #9: Sign Me Up For A Buzz Cut!, written by Mallory. These 31 articles are the best of the best and we’re very happy to share them with you again!  The countdown continues tomorrow!

….When I was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in Feb. 2011, losing my hair was the last worry on my mind.  For a lot of women, I know that this isn’t the case.  Losing your hair can be a very emotional and challenging experience.  When my mother was going through chemo for a brain tumor she refused to let our hair dresser, a woman I have known since childhood, cut my mom’s hair shorter than was possible with a pair of scissors….and my mom wore a wig or a scarf all the time once her hair started falling out.  Even though with the chemo that I received, total hair loss happens in almost all cases, it didn’t happen for me……


Read the rest of the article here!