In Unspoken Ink, one of our most popular programs here at Cactus Cancer Society, our participants write in response to prompts, ranging from pictures to quotes to poetry. We are proud to share the work of our writers here on our blog, including this piece, which is part of a series entitled Fresh Ink.
We value the voices of our community members and would love to share your words. If you would like to contribute to our blog here at Cactus Cancer Society, please email
A Piece by Tara
Take a moment. Take a moment to let yourself be cared for. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Find safety in the moment you share with your friend. As you close your eyes, let the sun hit your face. Feel warm. It helps remind you to keep your eyes closed. To live in that moment and that safety for another minute. Anxiety creeps in to tell you they will eventually let you go. You don’t know when they will. You want to live in this moment forever. To be taken care of. To be loved softly and sweetly. Trust that the love does not fade when the hands drop away from your head. When your hair stays as it always does without the bolster of another force. Live in that moment. Love that moment. Because it is in the fleeting moments, the ones which come and go, where life is lived. Live that life fully. Embrace the moments BECAUSE they’re brief. Trust that your friend will be there again. To help you heal. To help wash away with her touch that which you could not rid yourself of alone. She is your friend. She supports you when you are weak. She is strong. You are strong. It’s beautiful. To share. Your space. Your love. Your touch. Your moments. Your calm and your crazy.