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Help Decide A Gabfest Session

couple hugging

In December, Cactus Cancer Society (formerly Lacuna Loft) is hosting another year of YA Cancer Gabfest: A Week of Interactive Survivorship Crash Courses for Facing Cancer with Elephants and Tea. Last year was a HUGE success and we are SO excited about the agenda that is underway for this year’s event. (You can learn more about Gabfest here).

But now, we need your help! Sage Bolte, PhD, LCSW, CST, is going to be giving a talk at Gabfest 2021 on the Sexuality + Relationships themed day. She’s known nationally for her work in sexual health and cancer and is a respected leader in the field of oncology social work. We need your input to help decide exactly what topic Sage will be talking about. Fill out the form below, choose your preferred topics, and we’ll plan accordingly!