Lots happening around Lacuna Loft!  Our end of year fundraising is going on, two new programs are being announced next week (yes, TWO!), and I am basically running around in circles.  🙂
We are a community funded charity. Â We rely on the wonderful commitment of volunteers and financial support from you and your communities to keep our programs running. Â If you are interested in donating, go here, and if you’re interested in becoming a volunteer you can learn more here.
It has been my pleasure, thus far, to serve young adult cancer survivors and caregivers who are #JustLikeMe. Â Over the past year and 6 months of running this nonprofit, I have learned so much from all of you and I have heard from so many of you, in turn, what the power of this community and this organization has served in your own lives. Â Use the hashtag, #JustLikeMe, to tell your communities what Lacuna Loft means to you.
Here are some bouncy weekend links from around the interwebs…
[list type=”like”]
[list_item]have you played online Risk lately?[/list_item]
[list_item]10 Things About Cancer In Your 20s (and 30s)[/list_item]
[list_item]10 More Things About Cancer In Your 20s (and 30s)[/list_item]
[list_item]check out our new Donor Loft![/list_item]
[list_item]Scott Hamilton facing another diagnosis[/list_item]
[list_item]volunteer with Lacuna Loft![/list_item]
[list_item]check out our list of programs at Lacuna Loft[/list_item]
Have a bouncy weekend Lacuna Lofties!