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Have A Bubbly Weekend

August August August.  Today we announce our next young adult cancer read on Instagram Stories!  We won’t make the announcement on the Young Adult Voices blog until next week so check it out today!

We know that August is a busy time for a lot of you so we thought we’d leave you with some enticement to keep checking back in at Lacuna Loft!  This month, you’ll see glimpses into our commitment to transparency, you’ll see a day in the life of our CEO, we’re launching a BRAND NEW program featuring someone very awesome and influential in the AYA Cancer world, you’ll be able to submit questions for the next Speaker Series talk, we’ll start taking peoples’ requests for free copies of our next young adult cancer book club read, and more!  So.Much.More!

Here are some bubbly weekend links from around the interwebs…

[list type=”like”]
[list_item]have you prepped for the solar eclipse yet?[/list_item]
[list_item]instagram stories of behind the scenes at Lacuna Loft going on all month![/list_item]
[list_item]grilled cheese with balsamic roasted vegetables…oh em gee, so good![/list_item]
[list_item]what to say to a grieving friend[/list_item]
[list_item]fabulous high resolution photos[/list_item]
[list_item]have you watched our first Speaker Series talk yet?[/list_item]
[list_item]order Lacuna Loft brochures for your patients or resource center![/list_item]

Have a bubbly weekend Lacuna Lofties!