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Have A Happy Holidays + New Year!

Lacuna Loft is signing off for the rest of the year.  While we value the need for quality resources for young adults facing cancer and chronic illness, we also know that taking some time away to recharge is good for the soul.

We are looking forward to a wonderful start to 2016 and can’t wait to get to it!  Changes are underway here at Lacuna Loft and the next 6-8 months should bring many fabulous, new things!

In the mean time, check out some of our great archives from the Young Adult Voices program!

Are you a patient?

Are you in active treatment?

Are you a survivor?

Are you a previvor?

Do you have a chronic illness?

Are you a caregiver?

Are you a family or friend?

Are you a cancer mom?

Are you interested in joining a book club?

Are you looking into learning to journal?

Are you spending some of your time off on DIY projects or cooking?

Are you exploring healthy eating?

Wanting to know more about particular diagnoses?

Interested in other young adult cancer organizations?

Are you searching for stories dealing with some of the elephants in the room? …infertility….death and dyingpoopinghealth insurance.

Are you looking for fun weekend links?

If you are looking for something and you can’t find it, send us an email at

Until the New Year, Lacuna Lofties!  We’ll see you soon!