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How is it August already??

I hope you’re staying safe this summer!

Mallory and I wanted to personally let you know that Lacuna Loft will be having a lighter program offering over the month of August.  We’ve got some pretty amazing things in the works and while we’ll be reaching further into the young adult cancer space, we’re very excited about getting back to you this Fall with more wonderful programs.

What do we plan on doing for the next 31 days?  Trust us, it’s not a vacation 😉 It’ll be business as usual over here as we strategically plan,  grant write, program plan, evaluate, dream, network, and talk young adult cancer survivorship to anyone who will listen! We’ll also be planning some awesome collaborative events with a few of our favorite non-profit partners that will be happening after we get back! (We’re REALLY excited about that- our lips are sealed though, so stay tuned!)

Don’t’ worry! While we’re busy behind the scenes, you’ll still be able to participate in:

  • 30 Minute Tune-Up with LCSW Jean Rowe every Thursday! This is a drop-in program, so come once or as often as you like!
  • We’ll also be hosting a Creative Art Workshop specifically for young adults facing metastatic breast cancer. We’ve only got a few spots left, so sign up soon if that’s you! 🙂
  • You can also go through our blog! It dates back all the way through March of 2014, so there’s lots to read!

In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you!  Feel free to email and tell us anything!  From what new Yummly recipe you’ve tried out, to who has sells the most comfortable mask, to what Pinterest fails (or wins!) you’ve been up to creating this summer! It could even be what you want to see more of at Lacuna Loft, we want to hear it all!

Have a wonderful August and we’ll see you in September! 🙂