WEEKEND TIME!  How are you spending the start to your winter?  Not winter in your neck of the woods?  Well then PLEASE, tell me where you live!  🙂  It’s sure been snowing and blowing here in Central Illinois 🙂  (and in Denver where I was lat week!)
Here are some lovely links from around the interwebs…
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[list_item]a cowl scarf knitting tutorial…a great video for a fun project. Â Have you tried knitting before?[/list_item]
[list_item]an awesome painting project done in 10 minutes…10 minutes?! :)[/list_item]
[list_item]Texas 4000…are you a student in Texas who has been affected by cancer? Â Check out Texas 4000! Â Love to bike and support cancer at the same time? Â Check out Texas 4000!!![/list_item]
[list_item]cheddar mashed cauliflower…apparently its also a no carb recipe but seriously…they had me at cheddar![/list_item]
[list_item]mylifeline.org…a new friend of mine had a very real and amazing experience with this organization. Â They set you up with a free website that helps you ask for help, update family and friends, raise funds, and more.[/list_item]
[list_item]crochet basics…in the spirit of hand made cozy things this is a great post on the basics behind crochet…this blog also has a bunch of follow up posts about crocheting[/list_item]
[list_item]social support is important to curing cancer too…YES![/list_item]
Have a lovely weekend Lacuna Lofties!
P.S.  being on a budget with cancer & 10 things about having cancer in your 20s