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#AYACSM Tweetchat

#AYACSM (Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Societal Movement) was co-founded by @EK_Drake, @UKFANN00, and @stupidcancer!

The chat occurs monthly on Twitter and is for advocates involved in the adolescent and young adult cancer societal movement. An advocate is anyone who speaks, writes or in other ways actively supports the AYA cancer movement as a whole. All are welcome to the #AYACSM (Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Societal Movement) tweet chat! This chat is for healthcare providers, researchers, patients/survivors, caregivers, and nonprofit organizations.

The chats discuss topics that are relevant and timely for those advocating for #AYACancer patients.

Cactus Cancer Society is guest-moderating the #AYACSM tweetchat on Tuesday, June 7th at 5 pm PT / 7 pm CT / 8 pm ET. To join along, follow the hashtag #AYACSM on Twitter, and answer the questions as we pose them while conversing with the other advocates present. We’ll be focusing on the LGBTQ community within our community of young adults facing cancer.

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Art Workshops

Each Art Workshop is designed to teach you the basics of an art form such as sketching, comics, painting, jewelry making, crafting, and more.


Tue, Jun 7, 2022
5:00 pm
- 6:00 pm