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Guys’ Discussion Group Sept 2021

Join our newest program initiative, The Guys Discussion Group! Led by LCSW Dennis Heffern, each month we’ll hear from a different community member on a certain topic with a chance for open discussion at the end.  In this guys-only program, we’ll shoot the breeze with men of all young adult cancer experiences.  Nothing is off the table.  You won’t want to miss it!

This month we’ll hear from Bryan Walker!

Bryan is 32 years old and a 6 year Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor.  Currently working in the medical field to give back to the community. He’s the father to the coolest 4-year-old ever. 

City: Atlanta , GA

Fun Fact about yourself: I currently have a  Netflix series binge-watching issue. 

Who: young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, MEN only

Where: online video chat. We’ll send you more information about joining after you register. Please have a microphone headset and a webcam.

When: September 27th, 5-6:30 pm PT / 7-8:30 pm CT / 8-9:30 pm ET* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? Sign up on our program list using the link below, choosing ‘Guys’ Discussion Group’ as one of the programs for which you’d like notifications.  Cactus Cancer Society (formerly Lacuna Loft) will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Click here to sign up to be notified when this program is announced by choosing it under ‘Programs you’re interested in.’ (Feel free to choose to be notified when other programs are announced too!)

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Art Workshops

Each Art Workshop is designed to teach you the basics of an art form such as sketching, comics, painting, jewelry making, crafting, and more.


Mon, Sep 27, 2021
5:00 pm
- 6:30 pm