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Speaker Series Talk: The Sum of Survival – Jenn

surviving young adult cancer

Our 3rd Speaker Series talk is live!  Check out Jenn’s talk on The Sum of Survival in the video below!

Chatting with Jenn was a real treat.  A few minutes after we stopped recording the talk she said, “I survived up until now and if that changes tomorrow, I’ll deal.”  Such an insightful remark from someone who has been through so much.

What does it mean to survive? To me it’s living life to the fullest while you’re here on this planet. Some people feel like the term survivor doesn’t apply once their cancer came back – I disagree. Every day you get up – no matter how hard – you survive. It’s another day to make memories, say I love you or sleep in. Being a survivor carries a HUGE burden. Once you’ve gone through cancer people think you should be farting rainbows. Wrong! We have good days and bad just like anyone else … and snarled traffic, a bad hair day, and rude people still set us off. I do feel uncomfortable saying the term survivor sometimes because of all these misconceptions, I’m no superhero, I’m no braver than anyone else in my situation – the simple truth of the matter is that I’ve survived all that life has thrown at me so far … and that’s good enough.

Psst…want to submit a topic for a future Speaker Series?  You can do so here!