Saturday, June 25, 2022
8am PT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Creating A Terrarium Of Your Own
Your living space is an important part of your life. Join us to make a terrarium of your own while talking through what elements young adult survivor, Nubia, uses in her own at-home-oasis. This DIY project will leave you inspired to feel more creative and comfortable in your own space, where you can retreat to find solace in creative coping activities. We’ll send the first 100 participants everything you need to participate and a list of supplies will be sent out to everyone else! *Please see care instructions for the airplant.
9am PT / 11am CT / 12pm ET
Using Fashion to Meet You Where You Are
Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy a panel conversation about finding your new style post cancer. Whether you are flat, have an ostomy bag, or are adjusting to how you feel in your body despite cancer, these survivors are here to be real with you. Whether it’s tips or tricks you’re looking for, or just how to rock it all- there’s lots to learn from this panel of young adults facing cancer!
10am PT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET
Lunch with Your Fellow Prickles
Sometimes it’s really hard to feel inspired to cook at the end of a long day. Chat along with your fellow attendees while we hangout, eat lunch, and watch Justin Birchbickler walk us through his easy fish and chips recipe. He’ll chat about tips he has and demonstrate techniques for this totally doable meal!
11am PT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET
Finding Your Confidence
Cactus. Tough. Resilient. A bit prickly. Words to live by after facing a cancer diagnosis. But when no one’s looking, it’s hard to remember how you were ever self confident before the Big C. Julie Larson, LCSW, will guide attendees through how to give yourself a much needed pep talk and how to remember that you are a confident, tough, resilient, (and maybe a bit prickly) badass.
12pm PT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET
Sun, Skincare, and Some TLC
Learn ways to help nurture your skin! Treatment, age, and environmental factors can all take their toll. Show yourself some love and treat your skin with some tender loving care. Learn from a licensed esthetician suggestions for healthy skin care and components of beneficial sun protection!
Check out the agenda to learn more about each session and the speakers!
Check out the recipe cards to get art supply info, recipe specifics, and more!
At Cactus Cancer Society, we use pre- and post-program, anonymous surveys to gauge how well are programs are meeting the needs of those who are most important, young adults facing cancer. Thank you for filling out these surveys!
Thank You To Our 2022 Sponsors & Supporters