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The October 2024 Research Round-Up is Here!

Here at Cactus Cancer Society, we’re always interested in amplifying the voices and experiences of young adults facing cancer, and making sure this population is represented in research. Check out the research opportunities below to see how you can use your story to help others!

EXTEND Study To Improve Access

Study Description

Help us better support young adults with cancer and their families! This study is a one-time anonymous online survey that takes 15-20 minutes to complete about things adolescents, young adults, and families may consider when deciding whether to join a clinical trial. We know that children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer being treated on clinical trials are more likely to survive. We also know it can be difficult to join and stay on a clinical trial. We want to know what makes it hard to participate in research studies so we can help make it easier for patients and families.

Am I Eligible to Participate?

You are eligible to participate if you:

  • English or Spanish-speaking adolescent/young adults 18-25 years old who have been diagnosed with cancer in the last 5 years
  • Participants must have internet access to complete the survey

Partners are eligible to participate if they are older than 18 and are English-speaking.

What Will I Be Asked to Do?

Participants are asked to complete a one-time, anonymous online survey that takes 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey can be completed in English or Spanish.

Will I Be Compensated?

Because this is a completely anonymous survey to protect participant privacy, we are unable to provide compensation to participants.

How Do I Sign Up?

Participants enroll by going to the survey website at – this will directly bring you to the enrollment/informed consent page. 


Describing Asian American Well-being & Needs in Cancer

Study Description

AYA Connect provides digital tools and strategies to help AYAs adopt healthier habits, reach a healthier weight, and improve their overall health. It also provides an opportunity for AYAs to participate in important research to help us understand more about ways to help post-treatment AYAs lead healthier lifestyles.

Am I Eligible to Participate?

You are eligible to participate if you:

  • Are currently aged 18-39
  • Were diagnosed with cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) at age 15 or older
  • Have completed cancer treatment
  • Have a body mass index between 25 and 50
  • Own an iPhone with a data and text messaging plan

What Will I Be Asked to Do?

All participants will receive a comprehensive digital weight management program focused on improving diet quality, increasing physical activity, and reaching a healthier weight. The program components include a Fitbit physical activity tracker, a smart scale, access to the study mobile app, a kickoff session by videochat with a health coach, and tailored feedback messages in the study app. You will be asked to complete online questionnaires and other measurements at the start of the study and after 3 and 6 months. You will be sent a Fitbit to track physical activity for 7 days and a digital smart scale to measure your weight at all time points. Most importantly, you will learn strategies that will help you promote a healthier lifestyle for today and the future.

Will I Be Compensated?

Participants will receive a Fitbit activity tracker and digital smart scale (valued at up to $195 for both depending on Fitbit model selected) to track your activity and weight. Participants  will also receive up to $120 for completing all study questionnaires and measurements. Participants local to Chapel Hill, North Carolina have the option to complete their measurements at our research center for an additional $10 per measurement visit.

How Do I Sign Up?

To sign up to participate, visit

AYA Melanoma Needs Assessment Survey

Study Description

The goal of this research study is to understand the needs of adolescent and young adult (AYA) melanoma patients during and after treatment. If you agree to take part in this study, you will complete the attached questionnaire called the Needs Assessment & Service Bridge. Questionnaires may be completed once and should take up to 30 minutes.

Am I Eligible to Participate?

You are eligible to participate if you:

  • Individuals 18-39 years of age who have or have had melanoma

What Will I Be Asked to Do?

You’ll be asked to complete an online questionnaire (link below).

Will I Be Compensated?


How Do I Sign Up?