We know that a lot is going on and sometimes you can’t always get to all of the programs here at Cactus Cancer Society that you want to attend. Unspoken Whispers is a drop in, creative writing program that meets for 30 minutes every Thursday. We don’t teach you how to write or critique your writing, but we all spend 7-10 minutes writing to a prompt, then some time listening to writing that people are interested in sharing while thinking through what we liked about the piece, what was strong, and what stayed with each of us. Sharing is optional but seriously the best part of the program.
Below is the prompt we wrote to this morning and let me offer a little structure to your journaling/writing if you haven’t joined us before.
- Set a timer! You can write for longer once your timer goes off if you feel inspired but don’t feel pressure to write more than 5-10 minutes!
- Your first idea about how you’d like to respond to the prompt is probably your best one. Go with it!
- There is no “wrong” way to do this. Write about anything that comes to mind and feel free to throw out the prompt entirely.

And that’s it! How did it go? Let us know in the comments and join us for a live Unspoken Whispers program soon!