Christina’s Corner: September 22, 2023

Has anyone else been inundated with way too much stuff to do recently? I make a plan, have a to-do list, and then bam – something else demands my attention and I’m able to accomplish a tenth of what I originally set out to do. It’s immensely frustrating, because like a million other people, I used to measure my worth by the amount of stuff I got done in a day. People would really ask me where I found the time and the energy and usually, it came easy to me. But it doesn’t, anymore. This life – and this chronic illness, post-cancer diagnosis identity – require me to reframe the question of what is it, really, that’s necessary to complete during a day.

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Fresh Ink: Continuation

We are proud to share the work of our community writers here on our blog, including this piece, which is part of a series entitled Fresh Ink.

We value the voices of our community members and would love to share your words. If you would like to contribute to our blog here at Cactus Cancer Society, please email

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Gift Yourself a Clean Slate and Begin Again

There’s something magical about a fresh start: that New Year’s Day, first day of school, beginning of the month feeling. You don’t need to wait for a new year to get that sensation. Join Cactus Cancer Society and LOV Yoga instructor Tara O’Donoghue for a monthly drop-in program and get yourself ready for the month ahead!

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Christina’s Corner: September 15, 2023

There are some weeks that I struggle to offer you what I think are novel suggestions, and then there are others that seem rife with crowd-pleasers. It would be easy for me to stick to my standard role call of favorites, but I don’t want this to be just a list of predictable items that would make Miranda Priestly mutter “florals for spring? Groundbreaking.” The following suggestions are for sure rooted in things I love and have recommended before: vegetarian food, a musical, and engaging with other humans on a personal level. But it’s my hope that this week’s suggestions will translate into your life easily.

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Join Us For a One Night Only Journaling Program!

It’s a journaling program, Charlie Brown! Join us for The Great Pumpkin, A Fall Evening of Journal Writing with Jean Rowe. This 90 minute version of our past widely popular drop-in journaling workshop. Come join other young adults facing cancer (young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers are all welcome) and get tuned up for Fall with Jean Rowe in this special one-night workshop!

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Get Your Groove Back with Our Mindfulness Program!

Weathering the impact of a cancer diagnosis can leave you without a sense of direction that once felt so sure. But with a little compassion and commitment to caring for you, the full person, you can find your way back to yourself. Join us for Get Your Groove Back – Cancer Can’t Steal My Mojo. Led by Tara O’Donoghue, this program is designed to help you craft new routines, develop practices, and spark creativity.

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Christina’s Corner: September 8, 2023

This is Christina’s Corner: the What A Week edition. Life has thrown a lot of us some curveballs recently, and I’m not here to excuse it, though I am here to blame mercury in retrograde. (Whether you believe it or not, it’s great to have a scapegoat that doesn’t actually hurt anyone.) I believe that when you are experiencing Just One Of Those Weeks, it’s time to pull out all the stops to care for yourself.

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