Granting Permission

woman in hoodie

Written by Kayla Fulginiti, the Director of Programs for the Dear Jack Foundation, this piece is just what we needed in the middle of a pandemic.

As I peruse social media or the internet these days (as one often does while their 4-year-old asks for his 10th snack of the day), I have seen so many articles and posts about how to take advantage of this time we’re being given.  Start a new hobby!  Create a new business!  Train for a marathon!  Teach your toddler the quadratic equation!  I don’t know about anyone else, but this makes me feel intense anxiety that I’m not “doing enough” during this time we have.  Just today, I stood looking in the mirror and became overwhelmed that this will end at some point and what will I have to “show” for it.  And while this could be incredibly motivating to stay busy and the best coping strategy for some, I want to acknowledge those of us that don’t cope in this way.  I’m here to meet you in the feelings of uncertainty, perhaps with both of us wearing an outfit that’s four days old.

Read the entire piece here.

What Else Are We All Missing?

camel in the desert

Hello!  Lacuna Loft has always lived in the online realm of program delivery and more and more organizations are moving their in-person programs online too.  The times we are experiencing are crazy and chaotic and intense…and here at Lacuna Loft, we think that having as many opportunities as possible to get the resources and support you deserve, the better.

With that said, what are we missing?  What type of program have you been craving but you just can’t find it anywhere?

Looking For Support And Medical Information Through COVID-19?

stack of papers

Over the last month, a group of patient advocacy organizations, patient experts, and healthcare professionals have come together with the mission to share COVID-19 related resources and information for adolescents and young adult cancer patients, survivors, and healthcare professionals who work with this unique population.  Finding credible resources and information for adolescent and young adult cancer patients and survivors during the COVID-19 crisis can be difficult.  There is just so much out there right now!

The website this coalition developed now provides a listing of resources and programs that are provided by leading patient advocacy groups specializing in adolescents and young adults affected by cancer.

If you’re looking for programs available during the social distancing happening during COVID or if you’re looking for information specific to your diagnosis or treatment (or the diagnosis/treatment of your patients), look no further than!

If you know of programs that aren’t on the list, let us know!  The site will be continually updated both on the patient resources side and the provider resources side.  Life is changing day by day and the patient and provider resources and support are changing too.  We are all stronger together and this coalition is there for you the entire way!

You’re Home Because Of COVID Anyway So…

woman shrugging

Since you might be part of the country experiencing mandatory work from home because of COVID-19 anyway…so check out some links to stay up to date and entertained!

Have any good info or otherwise entertaining links we should share?


How We’re Managing COVID-19

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Seriously, how many blogs and emails have you received so far with this same subject line about how so-and-so is dealing with COVID-19 and how it will affect you?  Well, we thought we’d join the bandwagon because COVID-19 is such a hot topic right now.

First and foremost, Lacuna Loft’s online programming is the perfect escape to the stress induced by COVID-19!  You can still take part in 99.9% of our programs from the comfort of your own home with your hand sanitizer close by.  Second of all, over a month ago, we packed and sealed the creative workshop packages that will be used in the next few months (before most of the spread of the virus in the US).  They are ready to be mailed when sign-ups are finalized.  All of that is great news for our community as we all seek to stay as safe and as healthy as possible in the coming months.

Lacuna Loft’s outreach remains the single program directly affected by the virus at this time.  Young Survival Coalition recently postponed their Summit in Los Angeles, CA so we are anxiously awaiting their new dates and will do our very best to be at the conference at its rescheduled time.  The American Psychosocial Oncology Society canceled their annual conference that was to be in Portland, OR this week.  We are waiting to see if the other events we are due to attend this year will happen as scheduled and will update you all as we receive more information.

In the meantime, stay updated with what the CDC has to say about COVID-19 and check out their handwashing recommendationsDr. Anne Katz, our resident Awkward Auntie, recently posted on twitter about how relaxing and indulgent handwashing can be with the right mindset and we are taking that to heart!