Are You A Rural-Living YA Cancer Survivor?

person walking in grass

Researchers at the University of Ottawa are studying the effect that rural living might have on a young adult cancer survivor’s access to participation in health behaviors, including physical education and nutrition, and they are looking for participants!  The study is exploring if receiving 12-weeks of one-on-one personalized health coaching *online* (you knew we couldn’t pass up an opportunity to tell you about an online study!) can help rural-living young adult cancer survivors become more physically active and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Participants will be asked to:
(1) Meet 1 hour per week with a health coach online for 12 weeks
(2) Complete a short online survey at the start of the study and 12 weeks later
(3) Complete a 60-minute one-on-one discussion about the online program, either online, over the phone, or in-person.

Individuals can participate if they:
(1) Completed primary treatment for non-metastatic cancer;
(2) Are currently between 20 to 39 years of age;
(3) Live in a rural area (locations with <35,000 inhabitants);
(4) Are able to move freely without assistance;
(5) Engage in less than 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity per week
(6) Eat less than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day (one medium fruit is a portion);
(7) Have access to the Internet and an audio-visual device such as a webcam;
(8) Are able to read and understand English.

If you’re interested in getting more information or participating in the study, contact or call 613-562-5800 x. 7300