Stephen’s Sanctuary: June 2024

Hey friends! 
Are you staying cool? Do you have to worry about cicadas? Does it feel like half the year is already over? What happened? Here’s what’s happened recently in my neck of the woods.
Going Home Again
This month I returned to one of my old haunts. I went back to perform at an open mic I went to once upon a time in my pre-cancer life. It felt surreal and also wonderful to have the worlds of the past & present collide . People who knew me back then and people who know me now in one room, supporting me. Sometimes you can go home again. If you’re able to have one of these types of experiences, I highly recommend it.    
The MO-vies
In this day & age, I’m thankful that we have the technology and the option to just stay home and watch movies. I can pause and go to the bathroom. I can pick my own food and drink. I can check stuff on my phone or work while it’s playing. I can decide “ah I’m not into this” and then switch to watching ’90s commercials on YouTube. At the same time, there’s something about a trip to the movie theater that’s still pretty golden. Especially the kind of arthouse small theaters that do cool events, fun themes for the month and screen cult classics that aren’t easily available on streaming services. I wish everyone had one of these within driving distance. It’s worth a trip.
Speaking of film – there’s a new documentary on Cyndi Lauper out there. Which led me to listening to ‘She’s So Unusual” (and her effervescent song from The Goonies soundtrack) for the billionth time. “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” is probably one of the most overplayed and synced songs of my lifetime. And yet unlike a lot of songs that have been played a ton and used in a million movies, shows and commercials – somehow when I hear that opening synth whooooooosh ~!- it’s still like someone just gave me my morning coffee with a shot of espresso and a gummi shark in it. It’s just so damn joyful. it’s fun to see her and her band perform it in the moment when it was still fresh. They look and sound like they don’t wanna stop playing it. Do something unusual and have some fun this month, when your working day is done. 
Peace, love, empathy,

Stephen’s Sanctuary: May 2024

Hello friends. 
Did you see the northern lights? Did you take some cool pics? Did you get too tired and say “ehh I’ll just look at all the people who got a better vantage point post stuff tomorrow” like I did? There’s no shame in that. I needed a good night of sleep too. Here are a few things I did do, though.
Spring Cleaning
It’s funny to scavenge through old stuff. Sometimes you stumble onto things you don’t even remember ever owning. Some things have a sentimental hold on you that you can never quite erase. Though I don’t have kids myself, I do have some kids in my life and it was nice to hand some old toys down. Let the future generations enjoy these old books, toy cars and plush orcas.
Nostalgic Rabbitholes
Remember POGS? If you’re above or below a certain age, you probably don’t. But you have those weird things you haven’t thought about in a while. Something you used to play with or watch when you were a in middle school. Some commercial you couldn’t escape as a kid that makes you laugh now. Head down one of these nostalgic rabbitholes. Fire up something fun on YouTube at the end of a long day that helps you decompress. 
This song has been hitting me, as of late. It’s a guy who has always been charged and motivated by politcal activism taking stock of getting older and enjoying little domestic moments and being in love. Punks have to grow up and we can’t be activists 24 hours a day. It’s exhausting. Take a minute to enjoy listening for the sound of the sea in a big seashell, if you can.
Peace, love, empathy,

May 2024 Programs



To sign up and to learn more, visit our Upcoming Programs page.

Begin Again

Start each month with intention setting, journaling, and breathwork with Tara O’Donoghue from Lov Yoga in this monthly drop-in program! This hour-long program will fill you with everything you need to help create a positive mindset for the month!

Monday, May 6 @ 10:00-11:00am PT / 12:00-1:00pm CT / 1:00-2:00pm

Coffee and Oodles

Need a break, but don’t have a lot of time? Join us for Coffee and Oodles! This short, refreshing drop-in program combines our fun art workshop environment with our popular journaling techniques as participants respond to a prompt in whichever medium speaks to them most: drawing or writing. 

Wednesday, May 8 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, May 15 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, May 22 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, May 29 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm 

Guys Discussion Group

Led by LCSW Dennis Heffern, in this guys-only program, shoot the breeze with fellow cancer patients and survivors. Nothing is off the table. You won’t want to miss it! This month our guys group will be taking place the THIRD Monday of the month, due to the Memorial Day holiday!

Monday, May 20  @ 5:00-6:30pm PT / 7:00-8:30pm CT / 8:00-9:30pm ET

Stephen’s Sanctuary: April 2024

Hello, my friends. Come in. Have a seat. 

Thus far on this blog, I’ve mostly kept to things that I’m into, or that are helping me keep the anxiety at bay. 
  • Getting out of your comfort zone.
I know that this is the most obvious, well-worn advice and it sounds vague. But I think about this David Bowie quote frequently: “Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting.” He was talking about this in the context of giving advice to young artists, but I feel like it can really apply to so many things in life. 
  • Returning to the comfort zone.
There’s a reason it’s called a comfort zone! It’s comfortable! Sometimes those words get a bad rap. They can be interpreted as complacency or as being too risk-averse. But who DOESN’T want to feel safe and comfortable? Maybe there’s a hobby you haven’t returned to in your adult years; it could be a movie you haven’t seen in forever, but loved in your childhood and adolescence. Maybe it’s a place you used to go to to. Why not take a trip back, whether physically or figuratively, and see if it can spark some fun again? It may not feel the same as it used to, but you might find yourself enjoying something in a new way all over again. 
Here’s one of my old comforting blankets. It’s been 30 years this week that Kurt Cobain passed away. An eagle-eyed reader or two of this blog may have noticed that my sign-off is directly inspired by him. I think peace, love and empathy are important things to hang onto. 
Peace, love, empathy,

April 2024 Programs



To sign up and to learn more, visit our Upcoming Programs page.

Begin Again

Start each month with intention setting, journaling, and breathwork with Tara O’Donoghue from Lov Yoga in this monthly drop-in program! This hour-long program will fill you with everything you need to help create a positive mindset for the month!

Monday, April 1 @ 10:00-11:00am PT / 12:00-1:00pm CT / 1:00-2:00pm

Coffee and Oodles

Need a break, but don’t have a lot of time? Join us for Coffee and Oodles! This short, refreshing drop-in program combines our fun art workshop environment with our popular journaling techniques as participants respond to a prompt in whichever medium speaks to them most: drawing or writing. 

Wednesday, April 3 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, April 10 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, April 17 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, April 24 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm 

Meditation with Mamma G: Spring 2024

 Join Mamma G, Cactus Cancer Society, and Elephants and Tea for Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation!  Each season, we hold four sessions, each with a different theme.  Come to one or come to all, it’s up to you! This month’s theme is: The Objective Observer!

Monday, April 15 @ 5:00-6:00pm PT / 7:00-8:00pm CT / 8:00-9:00pm ET

Guys Discussion Group

Led by LCSW Dennis Heffern, in this guys-only program, shoot the breeze with fellow cancer patients and survivors. Nothing is off the table. You won’t want to miss it!

Monday, April 22  @ 5:00-6:30pm PT / 7:00-8:30pm CT / 8:00-9:30pm ET

Stephen’s Sanctuary: March 2024

Hello, my friends. Come in. Have a seat. 


I am currently waging the battle of man and coffee vs. daylight savings time. I hope you’re not feeling as thrown off as I am this week. Here are a few things that are helping me regain my equilibrium: 
  • Short day trips.
It’s a simple thing. You don’t need to go too far. Just finding a spot that’s within a 90 minute drive or so, if possible. Maybe it’s somewhere you haven’t been in a few years. Maybe there’s a friend in the area or someone who’s willing to come with or drive you. You don’t need an Airbnb. Just enough gas to get home and back. And a few dollars to enjoy a nice lunch, dinner or a treat. (Or a bag of red licorice scottie dogs.)  It really shakes up the routine of the week in a nice way. 
  • Decompression Television
I’m not talking about a TV show that you really look forward, are emotionally invested in or plan a certain night of the week around. I’m talking about the stuff that you can throw on while you’re working or as you wind down before bed. If it involves Gordon Ramsay yelling at people, shady bars being rescued or people proposing to strangers sight unseen, it’s probably been beamed into my eyeballs after a rough day. And it helps, as insane as that sounds after those brief descriptions. 
I’m enough. And I’m great at doing stuff. 
I hope you are all being good to yourselves, finding ways to decompress and realizing that you are enough. 
Peace, love, Ken-ergy,

March 2024 Programs



To sign up and to learn more, visit our Upcoming Programs page.

Begin Again

Start each month with intention setting, journaling, and breathwork with Tara O’Donoghue from Lov Yoga in this monthly drop-in program! This hour-long program will fill you with everything you need to help create a positive mindset for the month!

Tuesday, March 4 @ 10:00-11:00am PT / 12:00-1:00pm CT / 1:00-2:00pm

Coffee and Oodles

Need a break, but don’t have a lot of time? Join us for Coffee and Oodles! This short, refreshing drop-in program combines our fun art workshop environment with our popular journaling techniques as participants respond to a prompt in whichever medium speaks to them most: drawing or writing. 

Wednesday, March 6 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, March 13 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, March 20 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, March 27 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm 

Meditation with Mamma G: Spring 2024

 Join Mamma G, Cactus Cancer Society, and Elephants and Tea for Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation!  Each season, we hold four sessions, each with a different theme.  Come to one or come to all, it’s up to you! This month’s theme is: Coming to Awareness!

Monday, March 18 @ 5:00-6:00pm PT / 7:00-8:00pm CT / 8:00-9:00pm ET

Where The Light Gets In: March 21

In the chaos of everyday life, we invite you to spend 90 minutes in a longer version of our past widely popular drop-in journaling workshop. Come join other young adults facing cancer (young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers all welcome) and get tuned up with Jean Rowe in this special one-night workshop!

Thursday, March 21, 2024 @3:00 pm- 4:30 pm PST / 5:00-6:30pm CT / 6:00-7:30pm ET

Guys Discussion Group

Led by LCSW Dennis Heffern, in this guys-only program, shoot the breeze with fellow cancer patients and survivors. Nothing is off the table. You won’t want to miss it!

Monday, March 25 @ 5:00-6:30pm PT / 7:00-8:30pm CT / 8:00-9:30pm ET

Stephen’s Sanctuary: February 2024

Hey friends!


If you reside in the states that may or may not feel very united these days, these last few months have had some literal stormy weather. Whether you were checking your phone for Nor’easter, atmospheric river, cold wave or blizzard updates – we found ourselves indoors yet again relying on some creature comforts. Here’s a few that helped get me through the rain:


  • Blue – Joni Mitchell 

This album isn’t on Spotify anymore. Selfishly, that’s a shame because it means that “River” isn’t on my December holiday playlist anymore, but I don’t begrudge Joni that decision. Hey, we’ll always have YouTube. If you have a turntable handy, you have the warmth of a vinyl copy as an option. Her performance at the Grammys making me well up probably spurred my brain to move this one up on the Rainy Day Rotation recently, but it’s always a good one to come back to. 


  • The Goonies

Something else I found myself coming back to and enjoying yet again recently. Putting the childhood nostalgia aside, the filming locations for this being (mostly) in the Pacific Northwest really give this movie such a  rainy day feeling. It’s cinematic petrichor for me. Have you ever seen the deleted scene where Data fends off a giant octopus by playing some ’80s jam on a walkman? Here’s a fun detail if you don’t already know it: you can hear the director laugh/wheeze off-camera after Chunk’s “I told ya so! You never believe me!”  Just a helpful reminder that even some of the best movies and songs of all-time left some mistakes in there. 


  • Hot toddies
Years ago, a friend and I hit up a bar trivia night in December and he differed from his usual order to ask for a hot toddy. It suddenly sounded like the best idea ever. Since then, whenever those winter nights and sicknesses encroach (and boy were those encroaching more than ever this winter) I find myself wanting to make a hot toddy. If you’re a non-drinker – honestly – just the combination of hot water, lemon and honey is soothing and seems to help if your throat is struggling to make it through the day. 
I hope you had plenty of things to help you stay cozy and safe throughout whatever storms, literal and figurative, you had to endure this winter.  
Peace, love, empathy,



February 2024 Programs



To sign up and to learn more, visit our Upcoming Programs page.

Begin Again

Start each month with intention setting, journaling, and breathwork with Tara O’Donoghue from Lov Yoga in this monthly drop-in program! This hour-long program will fill you with everything you need to help create a positive mindset for the month!

Tuesday, February 5 @ 10:00-11:00am PT / 12:00-1:00pm CT / 1:00-2:00pm ET

Coffee and Oodles

Need a break, but don’t have a lot of time? Join us for Coffee and Oodles! This short, refreshing drop-in program combines our fun art workshop environment with our popular journaling techniques as participants respond to a prompt in whichever medium speaks to them most: drawing or writing. 

Wednesday, February 7 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, February 14 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, February 21 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Wednesday, February 28 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30am-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm 

Unspoken Whispers

Our new drop-in program, Unspoken Whispers: Creative Writing Drop-In is designed to create a little space for connection, community, and creativity during your busy week. Bring your lunch, bring your coffee, and write with us!

Thursday, February 8 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Thursday, February 15 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Thursday, February 22 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ET

Thursday, February 29 @ 9:30-10:00am PT / 11:30-12:00pm CT / 12:30-1:00pm ETFeb

Meditation with Mamma G: Spring 2024

 Join Mamma G, Cactus Cancer Society, and Elephants and Tea for Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation!  Each season, we hold four sessions, each with a different theme.  Come to one or come to all, it’s up to you! This month’s theme is: Connecting to the Energy Within!

Monday, February 19 @ 5:00-6:00pm PT / 7:00-8:00pm CT / 8:00-9:00pm ET

Guys Discussion Group

Led by LCSW Dennis Heffern, in this guys-only program, shoot the breeze with fellow cancer patients and survivors. Nothing is off the table. You won’t want to miss it!

Monday, February 26 @ 5:00-6:30pm PT / 7:00-8:30pm CT / 8:00-9:30pm ET

Stephen’s Sanctuary: January 2024

Hey friends! 

There’s a new spot over here on the blog. Step right up. Come on in. 

It’s a new year – yes, it is! This time of year can feel a little strange and discombobulating. I hope wherever you are, you are staying away from this season’s plethora of sicknesses and enjoying some things that help alleviate some stress and get your year off to a solid start. I’m not quite sure what this year will have in store for me, but here are some things that kept me good company in 2023. 
  • The Stephen King Project.
As this past October approached, it dawned on me that although I had seen a handful, there were a lot of Stephen King works adapted for TV and film that I had never seen. I thought that this would be a fun, appropriate project for the month. Well, there are a TON of those adaptations and nobody with any kind of sane schedule could watch even 75% of them in four weeks. So it lasted a little longer than the month of October. Obviously, there are varying levels of quality, but even the adaptations that didn’t quite work became fun to watch and rank alongside the others. I don’t have any great epiphanies here about King’s work or how it’s been adapted. My favorite is still The Shining. (Sorry, fellow Stephen, I know you’re not a big fan.) My least favorite? Well, let’s not be negative in the sanctuary here right off the bat. I’ll just say that you don’t have to go out of your way to see Desperation or the new version of Firestarter. On a more positive tip: I’m not sure Dolores Claiborne, the original Pet Sematary or The Dead Zone get enough love. This whole thing was similar to how I spent time in the early days of the pandemic. There was so much time, so I started binging shows with more seasons than I’d usually be willing to dive into; or going through a filmmaker’s filmography. It’s just a fun and interesting way to consume these things and give it some structure, so you’re not browsing on streaming services for an hour each night with your downtime. 
This podcast has been around since 2017, but I found myself returning to it again this year. Are you a huge fan of country music? Do you have little interest in country music outside of the few songs you like by [name here]? If your answer to either of these questions is yes, then you should check out this podcast. Tyler Mahan Coe is great at navigating through the history of the genre and the fascinating humans who have been a part of it. The other wonderful thing is that the pod has its own companion blog, with transcripts of the episodes, sources cited, and links to the songs and YouTube videos referenced. So if you prefer to read an article and have the songs he’s talking about at your fingertips, instead of listening to the podcast while driving – you have that option. And before you know it, you’re looking up performances from old morning shows and planning to make a trip to Buck Owens’ Crystal Palace. 
  • Jelly Belly Red Licorice Scottie Dogs
Yes, this is a very specific item to bring up and yes, I’m serious. They are delicious. They make a trip to the movies better. If you have a dentist appointment coming up, you might want to hold off on this. But if you have a sweet tooth like me, these little dogs are almost an anti-anxiety supplement. Red Vines and Twizzlers have their own thing. The licorice scottie dogs just have a different texture and taste. I was going to close this segment with something like; “They truly are the best in show” and thought better of it. But now I’ve included that tidbit and now we’re both embarrassed for me. Just go grab yourself a treat that you enjoy as much as I enjoy these little dogs. 
I hope you find some fun projects, distractions, rabbitholes and treats to help get you through the start of this year. 
Peace, love, empathy,