Diamond By Number Art Workshop

Join us for June’s Art Workshop: Diamond by Number! Create a piece of art made of rhinestones, through a meditative and repetitious process. Brandie will answer all your questions while guiding you through this 12 x 16 masterpiece of cacti. We’ll send you everything you need! It’s all happening on June 14th at 4:30pm PT / 6:30pm CT / 7:30 pm ET for two hours. We have supplies for 20 young adult patients, survivors, and caregivers.

**Please note, it’s unlikely we’ll get to finish this in the two-hour block of time. You are welcome to continue working on the craft on your own or by joining the next Young Adult Cancer Hangout (UnFinished Objects Edition) on June 21st at 4:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm CT / 7:30 pm ET. If you sign up for the Art Workshop, attendance is still required for the entirety of the workshop on June 14th. Feel free to email Aerial@lacunaloft.org with questions.

Who: 20 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Monday, June 14th @ 4:30-6:30 pm PT / 6:30-8:30 pm CT / 7:30-9:30 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate! Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Please note: Due to the global pandemic and ever-increasing customs and delivery times, we have stopped shipping outside of the United States. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form and we will send you a list of supplies needed to participate, so you can still join us! Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, you can contact aerial@lacunaloft.org.

Join A Butterfly Wreath Creative Art Workshop

butterflies on pink wall

Do you like to make art or craft?  Are you a young adult cancer survivor or caregiver?  Join Lacuna Loft while we make a one-of-a-kind butterfly wreath with paper in this online creative art workshop for young adults facing cancer!  This soothing and repetitive activity will be fun to make along with others in the Lacuna Loft community!

Who: 20 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Wednesday, April 28th @ 4:30-6:30 pm PT / 6:30-8:30 pm CT / 7:30-9:30 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate! Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Please note: Due to the global pandemic and ever-increasing customs and delivery times, we have stopped shipping outside of the United States. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form and we will send you a list of supplies needed to participate, so you can still join us! Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, you can contact aerial@lacunaloft.org.

Join The Cross Stitch Creative Art Workshop

cross stitch example

Join us for a cross stitch workshop where our fabulous volunteer, Brandie, will show you the ins and outs of cross stitching! She’ll go over basic stitches and how to follow a pattern, then after practicing, we’ll work on a neat “Adventure Awaits” cross stitch! We’ll send you everything you need! This program has a 20 person capacity.

Who: 20 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Wednesday, March 24th @ 4:30-6:30 pm PT / 6:30-8:30 pm CT / 7:30-9:30 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate! Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Please note: Due to the global pandemic and ever-increasing customs and delivery times, we have stopped shipping outside of the United States. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form and we will send you a list of supplies needed to participate, so you can still join us! Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, you can contact aerial@lacunaloft.org.

Join An Origami Workshop

Join Lacuna Loft for our next Creative Art Workshop: Origami and #LetsMakeStuff together!  Brandie will go through everything you’ll need to know to craft several different kinds of this paper folding art form.  Enjoy time making them all while hanging out with other young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.  We’ll send you what you need!

Who: 20 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Friday, February 12th @ 4:30-6:30 pm PT / 6:30-8:30 pm CT / 7:30-9:30 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate! Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Please note: Due to the global pandemic and ever-increasing customs and delivery times, we have stopped shipping outside of the United States. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form and we will send you a list of supplies needed to participate, so you can still join us! Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, you can contact aerial@lacunaloft.org.

Sign up here!

Valentine’s Day Make and Send Cards!

Join Lacuna Loft for our next Creative Art Workshop: Valentine’s Day Make and Send Cards, and #LetsMakeStuff together!  Craft a punny, silly, or warm-wish Valentine’s Day card for a fellow program participant, and then drop it in the mail in our card exchange!  Whether it’s a grade-A card or a bit more kindergarten, enjoy time making them all while hanging out with other young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.  We’ll send you what you need!

Who: 20 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Wednesday, January 27th @ 4:30-6:30 pm PT / 6:30-8:30 pm CT / 7:30-9:30 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate! Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Please note: Due to the global pandemic and ever-increasing customs and delivery times, we have stopped shipping outside of the United States. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form and we will send you a list of supplies needed to participate, so you can still join us! Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, you can contact aerial@lacunaloft.org.

Making Gingerbread Barns With Us!

gingerbread cookies

Join Lacuna Loft for our next Creative Art Workshop: decorating Gingerbread Barns and #LetsMakeStuff together!

Come hang out in this more casual Creative Art Workshop while we decorate Gingerbread Barns!  We’ll send you a kit with everything you need.  No pressure to be Jacque Torres, we are aiming for more of a Nailed It vibe.  Sure to be full of lively conversation and fun attempts at perfection, sign up today.

Who: 17 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Friday, November 20th @ 5:30-7:30 pm PT / 7:30-9:30 pm CT / 8:30-10:30 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please confirm what time this means for where you live).

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate!  Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat.  ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Please note: Due to the global pandemic and ever-increasing customs and delivery times, we have stopped shipping outside of the United States. If you are interested in joining, please fill out the form and we will send you a list of supplies needed to participate, so you can still join us! Thank you for your understanding! If you have any questions, you can contact aerial@lacunaloft.org.

Click here to sign up to be notified when this program is announced by choosing it under ‘Programs you’re interested in.’ (Feel free to choose to be notified when other programs are announced too!)

Make Beaded Coasters With Mary Clare

Join Lacuna Loft for our next online Creative Art Workshop: Bead Coasters and #LetsMakeStuff together!  Find your zen while crafting a bead coaster in this meditative (in technique) craft!  Make a beautiful coaster all while hanging out with other young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.  We’ll send you what you need! Mary Clare will teach and lead you through the method!

Who: 20 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Thursday, October 22nd @ 5-7 pm PT / 7-9 pm CT / 8-10 pm ET via video chat.* (*US time zones…please double check when to participate where you live!)

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate! Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat. ***You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.***

Click here to sign up to be notified when this program is announced by choosing it under ‘Programs you’re interested in.’ (Feel free to choose to be notified when other programs are announced too!)

The Mind, Body, And Soul Series Is Back!

sunrise over water

Join the young adult cancer communities of Dear Jack FoundationElephants and Tea, and Lacuna Loft during our month-long, Mind, Body, and Soul wellness series in October for an opportunity to connect, grow, and stretch!  We will be offering weekly, 90-minute sessions to help enhance the mind, body, and spirit and provide a chance to break down some of the isolation we’ve all been experiencing over the last few weeks.  Whether you are a seasoned yogi, meditator, doodle genius, or a newbie to the world of mind and body care, come and try something new in a safe, fun, and encouraging environment – your own home!

These classes will be free and hosted through Zoom and all experience levels are welcome!  You can come to one or come to all!  Sign up on the form below!

All classes will start at 9 am PT/10 am MT/noon ET

Friday, October 9th – Soul, Zentangle with Lacuna Loft
Friday, October 16th – Body, Yoga with Dear Jack Foundation
Friday, October 23rd – Mind, Meditation with Elephants and Tea
Friday, October 30th – Halloween Mind, Body, and Soul Series Hangout

Want to learn more about each session in the Mind, Body, and Soul Series?

10.9 – Soul – Zentangle Workshop with Lacuna Loft

Join us for a short Zentangle doodle! Zentangles are the art of drawing simple shapes into repetitive, meditative patterns while creating a larger drawing, without having to worry about precision. All you’ll need is paper, a pencil, a thin black sharpie, a regular black sharpie, and a ruler! We’ll walk you through the basics, so you can then create your own, one of a kind, uniquely you Zentangle!

10.16 – Body – Yoga with Dear Jack Foundation

Let’s join together as an online commUNITY with a Slow Flow Yoga class. Yoga means union of the physical body through breath. That begins the journey inward where we can access the spirit, soul, and center of wisdom and bliss. We will take careful notice of the physical body and then connect intentionally with the breath that sustains and gives us a sense of ease. After settling in, the body will flow freely on the mat through a series of poses that will provide flexibility, strength, and connection to our true nature. We will end class with a short meditation to further develop mindfulness. This class is for everyone – all skill levels are welcome!

10.23 – Mind – Meditation with Elephants and Tea

This Meditation Session will introduce the participant to breathe and body sensing in order to tune-in and relax the mind and body. The session will be approximately 30 – 40 minutes. Participants will learn about how meditation can help reduce stress. At the end of the session, participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions of the teacher.

Angie is a Level II iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Teacher.

10.30 – Halloween Hangout

Join Dear Jack Foundation, Elephants and Tea, and Lacuna Loft for the wrap up to our Mind, Body, Soul Digital Series in a fun and informal Happy Hour Hangout! We’ll talk about your overall month, any skills you learned during the month during the sessions, favorite moments, and opportunities for us to improve your experience. Hangout with other people who understand what it’s like to go through young adult cancer and costumes will be encouraged!

Make A Paper Mosaic

paper mosaic

Interested in getting creative while connecting with other young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers online?  Join Lacuna Loft for our next Creative Art Workshop making a paper mosaic and #LetsMakeStuff together!  Craft and meet others while cutting some meditative squares and transforming them into a beautiful mosaic.  Do this while hanging out with other young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.  Plus, we’ll send you everything you need ahead of time in the mail.

Who: 16 young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.

When: Monday, September 28 @ 5:30- 7:30 pm PT / 7:30-9:30 pm CT / 8:30-10:30 pm ET via video chat.* (US time zones! We’ve found that sometimes these don’t match up internationally!)

How does it work? We’ll send you all of the materials you need to participate!  Lacuna Loft will send you an email about a week before the workshop with information on how to join the video chat.  **You’ll need the link that we’ll provide you, a headset with a microphone, and a webcam.**