Fresh Ink: Continuation

We are proud to share the work of our community writers here on our blog, including this piece, which is part of a series entitled Fresh Ink.

We value the voices of our community members and would love to share your words. If you would like to contribute to our blog here at Cactus Cancer Society, please email

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Gift Yourself a Clean Slate and Begin Again

There’s something magical about a fresh start: that New Year’s Day, first day of school, beginning of the month feeling. You don’t need to wait for a new year to get that sensation. Join Cactus Cancer Society and LOV Yoga instructor Tara O’Donoghue for a monthly drop-in program and get yourself ready for the month ahead!

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Join Us For a One Night Only Journaling Program!

It’s a journaling program, Charlie Brown! Join us for The Great Pumpkin, A Fall Evening of Journal Writing with Jean Rowe. This 90 minute version of our past widely popular drop-in journaling workshop. Come join other young adults facing cancer (young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers are all welcome) and get tuned up for Fall with Jean Rowe in this special one-night workshop!

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