Write Now With Jean Rowe: Help

It is not uncommon to wonder how we can make a difference when Big Things are happening. We can, though, make a difference even in the smallest of ways. We might start with our own self-care. Are we getting enough rest? Have we connected even virtually with loved ones to make sure we’re connecting? Do we need a snack?

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5 Pieces of Advice About Sexual Desire from the Awkward Auntie

We know Valentine’s Day is coming up, so we thought it would be the perfect time to remind you of some of the Awkward Auntie’s advice! Here are 5 of our favorite pieces of advice about improving your sexual desire and pleasure from the Awkward Auntie.

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Join The Next Young Adult Cancer Book Club

It’s time for another round of the Young Adult Cancer Book Club!

Our next book club pick is Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. Here at Cactus Cancer Society, we’re really excited to read this book together!

The books are packed and ready to go and that means that it’s time for you to sign up to receive one of the 32 free books that we’re send out to young adult cancer patients and survivors in exchange for sharing your commentary on one of the book’s chapters.  Click here to sign up for your free book!

We’ll be sending the books out in mid-February. The reading assignments (for what chapter we’d love your commentary on) will go out then too, and we’ll start sharing your commentary in early March.

Once this round of book club officially starts, there are several ways for you to be involved in the book club:

  • Read the book along with us and check out the Young Adult Voices blog each Friday, starting March 11th for the next book chapter’s installment!
  • If you get behind, check out this page for all of the posts for the Wild round of book club.
  • If you’d like to contribute your comments about a chapter, email aerial@lacunaloft.org at least a few days ahead of the Friday when that chapter will be discussed, with your comments!

Happy reading!!