Welcome Sarah S!

Lacuna Loft is excited to continue introducing more young adult voices! These great folks represent a variety of perspectives on the myriad of topics covered here at Lacuna Loft. Before everyone starts really getting into the nitty-gritty of all they have to say, we wanted to introduce them a bit. Without further ado, here is Sarah S!

Community Herbalist Sarah is a native of Buffalo NY, and a 2014 graduate of the Holistic Herbalism program at the Blue Ridge School of Herbal Medicine. For Sarah, herbalism is the perfect combination of natural gardening and permaculture, forest ecology, counseling skills, anatomy/physiology, nutrition, world culture and history, botany and chemistry, art, writing, and connecting with nature. She has been offering consultations since 2014, and was excited to incorporate the CSA model (Community Supported Agriculture) into her work in 2015. Sarah also has a certificate in horticultural therapy, and loves using gardening as a venue to support healing and wellness.

A Happier Day Twitter Feed To The Rescue

Life during and after young adult cancer and chronic illness can get tough.  I’m fairly certain I have typed that exact statement more than once here at Lacuna Loft…this truth weighs heavier on my heart some days compared to others.

Recently I was having a bit of an off day…the kind where you’re not even sure what is causing the distress but discomfort hangs around nonetheless.  That’s when a friend sent me a link to this twitter feed.  Talk about a great resource for the best dog and cat pictures out there.  (With the occasional bunny, deer, and other adorable animals thrown in!)  After spending a few minutes scrolling the feed, I felt so much lighter and less bogged down by life’s realities.

Just goes to show you that sometimes all you need are some cute animal pictures to have a happier day!

A Happier Day Feed 1

A Happier Day Feed 2 A Happier Day Feed 3

Songs For Feeling Inspired

young adult cancer

I had a cancer scare a few months ago.  I haven’t shared it with you all yet…but I will.  Until then, when I was scared and feeling isolated and not sure what would happen next, I listened to this song over and over and over again.  I needed to remember that no matter what happened, it was important that I Was Here.

Do you have a song that makes you feel inspired during young adult cancer or illness?

Free Headspace Guided Meditation For An Entire Year!

free guided meditation

We are all out of subscriptions!  Thank you to everyone who signed up!

Are you a young adult cancer survivor or caregiver?  Interested in meditation but having trouble sticking to it?  Interested in meditation and not sure where to start?  Loving guided meditation and looking for more?

If any of these describe you, we can help!

Lacuna Loft has partnered with Headspace through their Get Some/ Give Some program! As a program participant of Lacuna Loft, we are happy to offer you a free, year long subscription to their guided mindful meditation from your computer or smartphone!

How do you get your free subscription?   Fill out the form below and within a few days we’ll email you the code to get started!  This code is exclusively for Lacuna Loft.  I don’t know about you all, but I am eager to get started!

We are all out of subscriptions!  Thank you to everyone who signed up!

Are you a young adult cancer survivor or caregiver?  Interested in meditation but having trouble sticking to it?  Interested in meditation and not sure where to start?  Loving guided meditation and looking for more?

More info on the wonderfulness that is Headspace…

Headspace provides a course of guided mindful meditation via your smartphone or computer, starting with bite-sized 10 minutes sessions. A new study published by The Journal of Medical Internet Research ranked Headspace as the top mindfulness app. Just 10 day’s practice has been shown to have wide-ranging benefits, from improving sleep and relationships to reducing anxiety and stress. See ‘How it Works’ animation for a little intro, our online Science ebook for a summary of the potential benefits, and Andy Puddicombe’s Ted Talk.

We have 3.5 million users now and subscriptions cost $155/year. To help fulfill our mission of improving the health and happiness of the world, our Get Some / Give Some program donates free subscriptions to nonprofit partners for use by their staff, volunteers, and people they support.

Enjoy!  Let us know how you like your free guided meditation from Headspace!

Easy Self-Care Tip #6: Take A Deep Breath

Welcome to our new series of easy self-care tips!  If you have an easy self-care tip that works for you, share with us!

Easy Self-Care Tip #6:

Take a deep breath today, every time you find yourself becoming anxious or stressed.

Taking a second to yourself, to breathe deeply, helps you disconnect from the stressful situation at hand.  You give yourself a few extra seconds to contemplate and readjust before diving back in.  Whether you’re about to call your insurance company, stressed by a badly behaving friend, caring for a fast-moving child, you name it, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath can make all the difference.

Easy Self-Care Tip #5: Move

self-care tip

Welcome to our series of easy self-care tips!  If you have an easy self-care tip that works for you, share with us!

Easy Self-Care Tip #5:

Move somewhere today.

Allowing your body the exercise and movement that it needs to stay healthy and to work off your stress and worries is crucial to self-care.  Try taking a brisk walk instead of the bus.  Put on a yoga video (so many of them are free on youtube!) for 20 minutes before you slouch on the couch for the rest of the evening.  Meet a friend out for a bike ride or at an exercise class.  There are so many options to get yourself moving today.

How do you make sure that you move everyday?

When You’re Stuck In The Pickle Jar…

you are enough

Sometimes I feel stuck.  I’ve picked up a brand new career track post-cancer and some days are better than others.  Sometimes I feel like I have it all figured out and sometimes I spend weeks feeling so very stuck on something.  For a couple of weeks it was the budget and strategic planning documents that I was putting together with my board.  For another couple of weeks it was the lack of validation that I was receiving about this new career path from some important people in my life.  For yet another couple of weeks, it was a cold that just wouldn’t go away and was severely compromising my marathon training that I had so very proudly just begun.

Each time I obsessed over what was causing the trouble and what might fix it.  I spent hours and hours and hours pouring over that budget and strategic planning document.  Willing them to be just right.  I worried relentlessly about the choices I’ve made along my journey and whether creating an organization was a good fit for me.  I cursed myself and that cold while refusing to actually take care of myself emotionally, in a way that might have brought about less anxiety.  Each time I held onto my fears and doubts and hang ups as if grabbing onto them properly, not letting them slip away this time, would conquer them into submission.

Instead of embracing myself for who I am and for the process I am taking, I allowed my fear of not being enough to dominate.

Have you ever heard of the Pickle Jar analogy?  You are obsessed with a something…in this analogy that something is a pickle.  You ruminate over it, contemplating exactly how and why this pickle is necessary to your life; why your life will be so much better and complete once that pickle is yours.  Whether you actually stop and think about how much you will actually gain from having the pickle, whether that pickle will love you back, is really at the crux of the matter.  So you reach your hand into the jar and grab at a pickle.  With your fist surrounding the pickle, you try and pull both your hand and the pickled cucumber out of the jar…but your fist is too round to fit through the opening.  You must let go of the pickle in order to free your hand.

Would having the perfect budget and strategic planning documents love me back?

Do I need to be employed as an aerospace engineer to be loved and to be loving?

Does a cold mean that I am not hard working and committed?

No.  No.  No.

Let go of your doubt.  Let go of your fears.  Let go of needing everyone to agree with all of your decisions and choices.

You are enough, just the way you are.

Easy Self-Care Tip #4: Taking Mental Holidays

Welcome to our new series of easy self-care tips!  If you have an easy self-care tip that works for you, share with us!

Easy Self-Care Tip #4:

Take a mental holiday.

Daylight savings has ended and the clocks have moved back 1 hour.  For me, that is as good an excuse as any to take a mental holiday.  Take today and do something nice for yourself!

I like to pick days every once in a while for a mental holiday.  I work on exactly what I want and nothing more.  I relax in between some loads of laundry.  I cuddle with my two pups.  I basically do exactly what my body is calling for.  Bank holidays are great excuses to take a mental holiday.  What to do though when a bank holiday is no where in sight?  Invent your own 🙂

Do you take a mental holiday from time to time?  What will you do for yourself today?

Watch That Hair Grow!

A female cancer survivor took frequent pictures of her hair growth after she finished chemo.  You can see how she goes from rocking the ‘no hair don’t care’ look, to a great pixie cut, to a short bob.  While your hair may not act just like hers did (her short hair flows up and around like a rock star), her hair growth diary offers endless inspiration.

Growing out your hair after chemo doesn’t have to be painful.  Talk to your hair stylist, learn to use some great products to style your short hairs however you’d like, and have some fun!  Would you take pictures while you are growing out your hair after chemo?

image via

P.S. Growing out your hair after chemo