At The Critical Mass Conference In Chicago!

critical mass conference

For the next few days I’m in Chicago at the Critical Mass conference!  Did you know that Critical Mass used to be the Livestrong Young Adult Cancer Alliance?

This will be my 2nd time going to the conference and you really couldn’t ask for a grouping of nicer people.  This year the theme of the event is “Elephants in the Room” and is focused on all of the “tough” topics of the young adult cancer world.

Related to treatment and care of AYAs, these issues include sexuality, death and dying, choice and decision-making, family building, and palliative care. On a system level, there are issues of funding evidence-informed approaches, services and care delivery. Through a mix of plenary sessions and small group discussions, we’ll be tackling these “elephants” head on, calling them out and strategizes how to address them, and share resources and information to face them.

Lacuna Loft is here and ready! Is Moving To!

Lacuna Loft


This weekend, is moving to!!!  If all goes well, you should notice absolutely no breaks in links or loss of any website function.  Going to should just redirect you to the new site.  If not, please be patient as our team gets everything back to the way it should be.  I’ll keep you up to date if anything malfunctions but my fingers are crossed!

Along with our change to .org, Lacuna Loft’s homepage will also be changing.  We’ve got a new layout that I’m really excited about sharing with you all.  The Lacuna Loft team wants our daily articles to be easily found, searched through, and shared.

Want to join the team of contributors?  Let me know!  Want to see a topic on our site that you don’t already see?  Let me know!  Lacuna Loft is for young adult cancer survivors and caregivers, by young adult cancer survivors and caregivers.  The more we work together, the better Lacuna Loft will be!

Thank you for being apart of the Lacuna Loft family.

Much love,
Founder & CEO, Lacuna Loft

P.S.  If you notice a break in links or have any problems redirecting to the new please send me an email at!  Thank you!  (Yes, my email address will remain at the .com for a little while.  Our IT team can only do so much at once 😉  )

Welcome to California, Lacuna Loft!

Lacuna Loft has arrived in California!  When I worked with our fabulous group of lawyers to incorporate and file for our tax exempt, non profit status, the state of California was chosen as the future home of Lacuna Loft.  It was decided in December that my husband’s company would pick San Francisco as its future home so Lacuna Loft (and myself) needed to follow suit.  It has taken months of preparation, and many many hours of packing my home, but Lacuna Loft is finally in its new state.

Lacuna Loft should have an office and a brand new address in the next few weeks.   I’ll update you with specifics as they unfold.  Otherwise, the weather here is great, the housing market is stressful, and my pups are loving all of the walks because we have no backyard.  🙂

As things settle down in the next few weeks we’ll go back to having 5 posts a week, Monday thru Friday.  Thank you for your consideration as our posting schedule changed just a little over the last month.  As always, if you’re interested in writing about your young adult cancer-ness, email and I’ll send you more information!

Around Lacuna Loft – Summer 2015

As I usually tell you (last summer, last fall, winter, and earlier this spring), Lacuna Loft is a busy place.  We are now an official, 501(c)3 registered, not for profit organization.  We’ve started a book club, made some great food and smoothies, crafted up a storm, been busy in the young adult cancer community, and more.  On top of all of that, the office is busy and making final arrangements for our move to Northern California.  Once everything is done and moved we’ll talk more about it.  In the mean time, our 5 day per week posting schedule may be slightly compromised for the next few weeks as everything is physically and emotionally shipped across the country.

I hope your summers are going by wonderfully!  If you need or want anything from Lacuna Loft, shoot us an email at info(at)lacunaloft(dot)com!

2015-05-25 12.57.23-1

2015-05-26 18.08.38

2015-06-01 12.47.57

2015-06-02 18.53.56-1

2015-06-03 12.12.33-1

2015-06-24 20.12.30-1

2015-07-03 12.39.13-1

2015-07-05 18.46.12

2015-06-17 17.05.00-1

2015-07-12 13.49.56-1

Updates To Our Fine Print

Lacuna Loft fine print

Hello!  A bit of quick housekeeping!  The Lacuna Loft fine print (a.k.a. our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy) have been updated and put on the website.  You can always access them through the links found at the footer menu of every Lacuna Loft page.


– Mallory & the Lacuna Loft Team!

Around Lacuna Loft – Spring

around Lacuna Loft

Lacuna Loft continues to be a busy and happening place.  (Am I the only one who still uses the word happening?)  We’ve become a Not for Profit Corporation in the State of California and are currently filing for our tax exempt status (which will make us a 501(c)3).  Our founder attended CancerCon in Denver, CO.  We’re preparing for the office’s move to Northern California in August.  We’ve talked about self care, crafting for stress relief, healthy living ideas, and more.  Collaborations are in the works, conversations are underway, and so much great young adult cancer specific content is in store for you!

Look forward to more great DIYs, healthy eating tips and choices, survivorship stories, and more as the spring unfolds!

P.S. Around Lacuna Loft Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Winter 2014/2015.

P.P.S.  Interested in adding your voice to Lacuna Loft this spring?  Email for more information.  Other young adult cancer survivors and caregivers are eager to hear your advice, learn your tricks on dealing with the world, and gaining powerful insights from your stories.

Together we take care of one another.  Together we unite to provide age-appropriate resources to other young adults.

It Is Time To Hear From You!

We have been doing a lot of yoga and meditation on the site over the last few months each Wednesday….focusing on taking back control of our bodies and minds after young adult cancer or illness makes its home.  But you know what?  We’d love to hear from you!

What are you liking?

What are you not liking?

What do you not see at all but would like to?

Please!  and Thank You!  🙂

Welcome To National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week!

national young adult cancer awareness week

Yep!  April 6-10, 2015 is National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week!

With the knowledge of this, here is my next question…what should we do (as patients, advocates, and organizations) to bring awareness to young adult cancer and all of its topics?  How do you think we should be pushing the envelope to better educate, inform, and reach out about the importance of providing age-appropriate resources to young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers?

Last Thursday there was another tweet chat edition of #ayacsm.  (the next one is April 19th at 8 pm ET if you want to join!)  This great group is comprised of ya cancer organizations, young adult survivors + caregivers, as well as health care providers.  The question remains though, how do we continue to bring in more young adult cancer survivors + caregivers into our tribe?  What kinds of resources are/were you craving as a young adult cancer survivor or caregiver?  If you found the resources that you wanted, how did you arrive there?

How can we continue to build awareness about all of the specific needs that young adult cancer survivors + caregivers require?

Together we can build power, strength, and knowledge!  #ThisisAYACancer

For more information about what is happening this week for National Young Adult Cancer Awareness Week, check out this information from Livestrong.

Welcome Christina!

Lacuna Loft is excited to continue introducing some guest bloggers! These great folks represent a variety of perspectives on the myriad of topics covered here at Lacuna Loft. Before everyone starts really getting into the nitty-gritty of all they have to say, we wanted to introduce them a bit. Without further ado, here is Christina!


Christina is the founder and host of The Cancer GamePlan, a podcast that features the stories of inspiring cancer warriors. After her two battles with stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma (and a pretty severe case of PTSD), Christina felt more inspired than ever to quit living small and really go for her dreams. Just six months after getting the all-clear from her doctors, Christina and her boyfriend quit their jobs, started a travel company (called Boutique Japan), sold everything they owned, and took off to see the world!

During her travels she had a burning desire to give back to her fellow cancer warriors. Her involvement with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, both during and after her cancer battles had shown her the healing power of sharing our stories and how fulfilling it is to give back. That’s when the idea for The Cancer GamePlan was born. Today Christina is passionate about helping her fellow cancer warriors move past their emotional and mental blocks so they too can live their best lives everyday, no matter what situation they’re in!